Divorce Proceedings Often Require Professional Testimony or Consultation
by Michael Heath
Sometimes the things couples never think of really add to the costs of getting a divorce. The hiring of experts can fall into this category. Child psychologists, tax accountants, real estate experts, financial advisors are all examples of professionals that may be called in to provide advice. Their expertise comes with a price. Whether providing in-person instruction, submitting a report based on the evidence, or contributing some other service, fees can be significant.
Experts in Divorce Litigation
In a traditional divorce case, the lawyers on each side work to build a case against the other. This gathering and organizing of information is known as the formal discovery process. To strengthen their client’s case, lawyers may bring in an expert to share knowledge or offer an opinion. This usually results in two professionals hired over the same issue, one for each side.
Forensic Accountants for Divorce
It is easy to imagine that occasionally one spouse suspects their partner of not being forthright, e.g., hiding assets or concealing financial information. In such cases, the services of a forensic accountant may be needed. This financial professional investigates financial records, identifies inconsistencies that reveals hidden assets, and determines fair value of property and valuables.
Mediation and collaborative divorce require a high level of trust. The process can only work if both sides are fully transparent. If either side expects deception or is outwardly uncooperative then divorce litigation is the only way to end the marriage. Traditional divorce includes the powers of the court. One option is motioning the judge to subpoena documents.
Experts in Mediation or Collaborative Divorce
When couples decide to negotiate the end of their marriage themselves through the mediation or collaborative divorce process, they agree to be cooperative and transparent. This means bringing all relevant paperwork in one file and sharing any expert that needs to be brought in. There are significant savings when sharing a professional since only one expert needs to be hired instead of two. Also, the dialogue is amicable and not of an antagonistic nature; the whole exercise is much less in scope, usually requiring less time and effort by the professional.
Traditional Divorce Versus Mediation/Collaborative Divorce
When couples can use mediation or collaborative divorce to end their marriage, they can enjoy many benefits such as lower costs, taking less time and concluding the process in greater harmony. Sharing experts is one of many advantages that makes the process more attractive.